Essays & Talks

General Tech & Startups

Why Bitcoin 'Crashes' Twice a Week - VentureBeat

Ad Blockers Are Digging Their Own Graves - VentureBeat

Bitcoin Holders Face Sticky Decision Before August 1 Split - VentureBeat

How Apple Can Fix News - VentureBeat

A First-Time Investor's Guide to Equity Crowdfunding - VentureBeat

VIDEO: Tech Trends For Artists Keynote - The Art Conference

Tech is Transforming How We Live With Art - VentureBeat

12 VR Demos That Made Me Say 'Wow' At VRLA - VentureBeat

How VR and Machine Learning Will Transform Working From Home - VentureBeat


Email Prompts Are Trendy, But Dangerous - VentureBeat

How to Manage Customer Inertia - MTP

Oculus' Pricing Misstep Was a Clever Marketing Ploy - VentureBeat

How to Advertise For the Meme-Generation - Medium

What Starbucks Can Learn From NYC's Hottest Salad Startup - Medium

VIDEO: How to Become Famous on the Internet

Data Dashboard, The Call of the Trading Floor - Media Magazine

A Blogger's Progress - Media Magazine

Product Management

VIDEO: Tactics for Redesigning and Relaunching Legacy Products - MTP

Why Writers Should Manage Your Tech Projects - MTP

How to Fix the Username System - VentureBeat

We Need a New Username System - VentureBeat

Product Leaders, You Need to Stop Saying 'No' - VentureBeat

Why 9 Out of 10 Product Team Members Are Probably Redundant (Satire) - Medium

Nintendo's Little-Known Product Philosophy - Medium


U.S. Tech Without Iranian Immigrants: No eBay, Google, Oracle, DropBox - VentureBeat

How Tech Usurped the Word "Empathy" - VentureBeat

Let's Stop Name-Dropping Our Corporate Exes - VentureBeat